SPOT and NorthSide Festival join forces and offer discount ticket
The two Aarhus festivals have partnered up in order to offer the possibility of attending both festivals at a discount.
In the spring/summer of 2012 it will be possible to attend both SPOT and NorthSide Festival at a discount, as the two Aarhus-based festivals have partnered up to offer a limited number of single tickets for the two festivals in 2012.
The standard price for a two-day SPOT Festival ticket is kr. 495,- and the standard price for a NorthSide partout ticket (until 31 of March) is kr.1095,-.
The price of the single ticket is kr.1295,-, you save kr. 295,- and have five days admittance to both festivals.
The sale for the SPOT/NorthSide single ticket is now open via Safeticket .
For more info on SPOT Festival:
For more info on NorthSide Festival: