4-5 May ● 2012 ● Aarhus ● Denmark

Thank you for an exciting SPOT Festival 2012

Thank you for an exciting SPOT Festival 2012

The 2012 SPOT Festival is over. Two exciting days with reports of plenty of great music.

Plenty of hours spent with like-minded people who – like oneself – appreciate the setup with room for artistic ambitions as well as the social dimension of such a festival.

Room for great ambition, but well – it was a bit crammed at times.

There will always be lines of people waiting to get into the concerts at SPOT. It’s almost an integral part of the indoor-festival concept. But some lines are really bottlenecks and in a couple of situations the handling of these lines have been less than perfect.

Those are things we will have to do better next year – and we will!

With Godsbanen (The Freight Yard), SPOT has now got a strong foundation – a centre for concerts, seminars, and debates. A place where most of the audience feel at home.

Over the next few days we are going to clean up and take stock. And we are shall process and follow up on all the reactions from the audience, musicians, industry and media people, guests and the many collaborative partners who contributed to the practical dimension of the festival.

Thanks to everyone who has helped on one level or another to make SPOT 2012 a success in almost every way.
Thanks to all the acts for the beautiful and fascinating moments you gave us and to the huge open-minded audience. Thank you for the great atmosphere you created together.

Thanks to partners, sponsors and everyone who has backed SPOT and been part of making the festival unique in Danish music. To all of you who have become co-owners of the festival and have put your mark on it.

Thanks to all the panel and seminar participants, speakers and the tireless comperes.

We would also like to thank our many international guests, who have come in so great numbers to listen to the Danish music scene anno 2012. We apologise for the concerts that you could not get into. We will make sure that it won’t happen next year!

Thanks to the City Council of Aarhus for welcoming our guests so warmly.

Thanks to the technicians and all the other people who have contributed to making the logistics and the practical dimension run smoothly.

A special thank you to the staff, co-worker and volunteers, who have worked so incredibly hard to organize and run the SPOT Festival this year. It was a bit of an uphill struggle this year, but you pulled through.

Thank you for your competent work, your friendly smiles and great mood during the entire event.

We look forward to seeing old and new SPOT guests next year

Thank you for now! See you in 2013 – practically same time and practically same places.
Gunnar K Madsen
Head of SPOT


(Foto: Thorsten Overgaard)