4-5 May ● 2012 ● Aarhus ● Denmark

Venuelab – an experiment with music

Venuelab – an experiment with music

SPOT has announced a new project called VenueLab. Its concept is simple: twelve musicians from different genres and worlds; with different degrees of establishment in the Danish music scene have been divided into three different teams and been assigned a venue to rehearse.
The teams will have only three days to put together a concert with a total of 3 x 30 minutes brand new music, as in the subsequent three days they will tour together with the SPOT-venue Radar as their final destination on 4 May.

The teams are as follow:

Fermaten (Herning)
Naja Rosa
Lars Buchholtz
Claus A (No Common Venue)

Paletten (Viborg)
Anna Brønsted (Our Broken Garden)
Steffen Westmark (The Blue Van)
Frederik Sybrandt (The Jackals)
Trine Lønnee (Fuskenbuks)

Radar (SPOT/Aarhus)
Oliver Hoiness (Kira Skov, Under The Sherry Moon)
Karsten Pflum
Ida Gard
Orhan Ôzgur Turan

(NB! Ida Gard og Naja Rosa is also playing the festival with their own music)

Fermaten       2/5       Herning
Paletten          3/5       Viborg
Radar              4/5       SPOT Festival/Aarhus