In case of emergency
For acute on-the-spot assistance dial 112
Emergency Room (in case of acute illness or trauma)
Aarhus Sygehus
Nørrebrogade 44, bygning 7F
8000 Aarhus C
Tel.: +45 8731 5050
Psychiatric turn-out team (acute assistance for the mentally ill)
All week between 16:00 and 7:00
Tel.: +45 7010 1610
Police/Emergency phone
East Jutland Police
Ridderstræde 1, 8100 Aarhus C
Expedition Monday-Wednesday 9.30-14.00, Thursday 9.30-17.00, Friday 9.30-13.00
The uniformed- and criminal police are available 24 hours.
Tel.: +45 8731 1448